Wedding make-up tips & treatments > Skin


Your skin is the basis for your wedding day makeup. Make sure you drink plenty of water in the weeks leading up to the wedding.

If you don't already use lip balm and moisturizer, now is the time to start. These items will help to keep your skin looking healthy plump and radiant. Lip balm will moisturise your lips and does wonders for dry lips.

Begin a skin care routine with cleansers and balancers made specifically for your skin type. A good eye cream is always essential to keep the skin around it plumped up and beautifully nourished and moisturised. It is a good idea too once or twice a week to use an exfoliator to take away the dead skin cells to prevent clogging which can lead to blackheads.

It is also a good idea to massage your skin from the neck up including the face at least three times a week with a good facial oil. The firm movement of massage helps to stimulate the blood cells to reproduce and balance out the sebum in the skin and the oil itself helps to nourish the skin. This can be done on dry or oily skin depending on the oil used. To call me for further information on which oil is best for your skin.